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Image Gallery

There may be no better way to communicate what we do than through images. As you browse our site, take a few moments to let your eyes linger here, and see if you can get a feel for our signature touch.

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You are beautiful. It's true. Now, I don't know you and we have probably never met, but I know for a fact, you are beautiful. Ignore those pesky voices in your head telling you how wrong I am, and how if I could only see this blemish or that "flaw" that I would realize I was wrong. Those voices are a lie. They come to steal your true beauty by focusing your attention on what does not matter. 

You are beautiful. I have it on expert opinion. THE most discerning of all artists. The one from whom every truly skilled artist received their talent? That one.  He said you are "fearfully and wonderfully made". He said He "knit you together in your mother's womb". Now I  know some artists work can be questionable, but not this one. He paints every sunset. He knows exactly what He's doing and He took great pains to make you perfect.

You are beautiful. So why are you hiding? Who took your pride and sold you shame? Did they really take what He gave you? Or did they only fool you? Is it really still there, tucked away inside, waiting for a spark of hope?

You are beautiful. Grab that spark. Let hope rise up in you. Remember who you really the lies--push those away. Remember who you REALLY are. Let hope arise. Become like that one sunset, a one-in-a-million work of art. Become who He made you to be.

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