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  • Writer's pictureIsha Rodriguez

Are You Ready for Thanksgiving?

I know time always gets away from all of us, but it seems like my remaining time to prepare for the holidays is like a balloon with an evident hole in it. It's zipping around in front of me, flying this way, and then that, tormenting me with the reality of just how little time I really have.

What is all the flurry about? We know Thanksgiving is coming every year. We know we want to spend it with family and friends. We make general plans in our heads of where we'll go and what we'll do, but we forget to factor in the invitations from others that are too good to pass up. Well, you may be better at passing on invitations than I am, but I LOVE to spend time with friends, meet their friends, and talk until the cows come home. Of course, each accepted invitation means another dish to prepare, another outfit to pick out, and plans for what to do with whatever you would normally have been doing during that time. It doesn't take long to add up to more than you bargained for.

So, what to do? I'm not sure there is a forever fix. However, I do find that slowing down for a few minutes, sitting in the morning breeze or basking in the mid-day sun, and just focusing my attention on my creator...well, it's not easy to explain it, but the stress my to-do list caused just seems to melt away. I'm reminded of what is important. Getting everything perfect for the event is not important. Being there and fellowshipping with my friends, and making new friends? That's important. That I can do. All the rest is fluff. Oh--enjoy the fluff when you can, but don't stress over it. Keep the main thing the main thing.

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